Disposizioni COVID-19

Oggi come ieri garantire la vostra sicurezza è un impegno irrinunciabile per noi. Pertanto per accedere ai parchi è ora obbligatorio prenotare online ed indossare la mascherina.

Una volta sui percorsi deve essere tenuta la mascherina ma si può abbassare, inoltre dai 10 anni, è obbligatorio l’utilizzo dei “guanti spalmati”, da portare da casa o acquistabili in loco a 2€.

All about safety

Al Jungle Raider Park prendiamo molto seriamente due cose: il vostro divertimento e la vostra sicurezza. Ci impegniamo ogni giorno perché possiate affrontare i percorsi divertendovi senza preoccupazioni.

Sicurezza per noi significa tutelare i nostri ospiti in ogni aspetto della loro esperienza al parco avventura, non solo prevenendo ogni rischio con le migliori misure di sicurezza, ma anche garantendo un’assistenza attenta e scrupolosa dal vostro arrivo alla fine del percorso.

Per questo abbiamo scelto di puntare tutto su due aspetti: attrezzature di alta qualità ed istruttori esperti e preparati, capaci di guidare e assistere anche chi affronta per la prima volta i percorsi.

Inoltre, a seguito dell’emergenza COVID-19, abbiamo introdotto una serie di procedure per tutelare i nostri clienti e il nostro personale, che ci hanno permesso di affrontare in sicurezza questi due anni. Leggi tutte le disposizioni COVID-19.

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Riguardo alla sicurezza non ci sono parole. Percorso sicuro al 100%. Un moschettone non si stacca mai dall'inizio alla fine.
TripAdvisor - July 2018

Expert instructors always present

The instructors are all highly qualified who, thanks to their experience and expertise, are able to make yours at the park safe and enjoyable.

The assistance of the instructors begins as soon as you arrive at the park: first they will help you to put on the harness and helmet correctly, then they will explain each phase of the journey in detail. The initial briefing is very important: you will be able to understand well how to move between the catwalks, ask questions and clarify any doubts before starting.

Our team will always be present along the routes, ready to intervene in case of need. Can’t get through a passage? No problem, an instructor will help you immediately and you can continue your adventure.

Professional equipment

From the top of a catwalk it is normal to feel some fear, but know that preventing any possible risk is our priority. For this reason, for years we have chosen to protect our guests with professional safety equipment of the highest quality. In addition to a solid helmet, you will be provided with a high, sturdy and anti-tip harness, but also comfortable, so as not to hinder your movements.

Furthermore, we were the first in Lombardy to use permanent safety devices, which work very effectively: when you pass a passage, it is not possible to release a carabiner before having hooked up the one at the next station. In this way it is impossible for a person to be with both carabiners released, unlike what happens with common carabiners.

Furthermore, all our equipment complies with the UNI EN 15567-1-2 law.

Tutta la nostra attrezzatura, inoltre, è conforme alla normativa di legge UNI EN 15567-1-2.

State-of-the-art facilities

Our paths have a low environmental impact, wooden platforms are installed on the trees, connected by different types of games such as suspended walkways, swinging logs, climbing nets or Tibetan bridges, which can be traveled with equipment that guarantees maximum safety (PPE = Personal Protective Equipment).

Routes and equipment are checked daily and, before each annual opening, the appropriate mandatory certifications are issued by appointed professionals.

Since 2014, the JRP parks have reached a safety standard that is second to none: thanks to the installation of a continuous lifeline, even the youngest can have fun and enjoy an exciting adventure on the Aria path in total safety. Do you want more information about the Park? Do not hesitate to contact us!

Ideas for Valentine's Day? Chocolates, flowers and an exciting leap into the unknown!

Give an exciting experience to be enjoyed by two starting next spring.